Australian Shepherd Club of America, Inc - "ASCA"

Valuable information such as breed standard, registration,
local clubs, ASCA sanctioned shows, official forms ....
ASCA Affiliated Clubs:
Please check out the other Affiliate Clubs' pages too ... there's always something going on somewhere!!!
Blue Ridge Australian Shepherd Club (BRASC)
Brandywine Valley ASC (BVASC)
Buckeye Australian Shepherd Club
Carolina Australian Shepherd Club
First in Flight Australian Shepherd Club
Heart of New York Australian Shepherd Club
Pennsylvania and New York Australian Shepherd Club (PEN-NY ASC)
Working Australian Shepherd Club of Upstate New York (WASCUNU)
Aussie Rescue Groups
Breakaway Action Dogs -
Training club in the Frederick, MD area that offers agility, 
conformation, rally, and obedience classes